SW Flex Motorola MPC5xx Slave FLS0.3S

₪ 1200.00
SW Flex Motorola MPC5xx Slave FLS0.3S
₪ 1200.00
Total price: ₪ 1200.00


The FLS0.3M software package allows the MASTER user to work on BDM protocols. This programming mode is used for communication with ECUs that mount the Motorola MPC5xx family of microprocessors. This type of microprocessor can generally be found on older generation vehicles fitted with EDC16 or MED9 ECUs. 

MOTOROLA MPC5XX על מעבד BDM פרוטוקול לעבודה עם  

EDC16/MED9 בדרך כלל המעבד הזה הייה מותקן על 

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